Problems with posting.

  • Last Post 14 January 2017
Captain posted this 12 January 2017

I'm trying to post a design, but each time I try, I get an error message saying:

  • The field Content must be a string with a maximum length of 6000.

What am I doing wrong?

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Yeden posted this 12 January 2017

Are you trying to post anything more than just plain text? I saw that message before when I tried to copy/paste some cells from an Excel spreadsheet, which the site forum turned into a table.

Captain posted this 14 January 2017

Still getting the message.

icehellion posted this 14 January 2017

And are you above the 6000 words or signs (I don't know which one of them)?

Captain posted this 14 January 2017

It turned out that I was above (apparently) 6000 characters. And, somehow, any attempt to edit the "Fluff" post also brings it above 6000, but it was able to post.
