Big Fat quadruped

  • Last Post 11 June 2017
Original_Lucho posted this 05 June 2017

So I finally returned to Solaris7.It was always a good site for the artistically inclined, not just those who figured out the intricacies of HeavyMetalPro. So I'm marking my return with a new mech

So how would you stat this mech?

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icehellion posted this 06 June 2017

Do you want to go experimental or not?

Original_Lucho posted this 07 June 2017

Truth be told, you almost have to go experimental, if you want to keep it interesting

Thunder posted this 07 June 2017

Which mech? There is at least 2 mechs pictured. The arrangement of the hull mounted weapons changes.

First inclination is 3 ppcs and 2 medium lasers.

Donteras posted this 07 June 2017

Oh no. At least two of those pics have SRM-2s.

Donteras posted this 07 June 2017

The third I think, has two lasers.

Original_Lucho posted this 08 June 2017

No missiles, just a couple of lasers. Their mounting varies a bit in the renders; a field modification perhaps? Or a sign that this is an omnimech?

Here's a new render. I reworked the legs for a better presence. (question for the site maintainer: How do you keep images from getting squashed? very frustrating...)

icehellion posted this 08 June 2017

A bit too squeezed.

Thunder posted this 09 June 2017

Main gun was changed in that version.

And i feel your pain on the squashed pictures. My phone really doesnt like them.

Original_Lucho posted this 10 June 2017

Yes, I changed the main array; my stats for now are an omnimech. And a big fat quad needs a BFG


Any idea how to get the pictures to appear normally? Apart from reducing the resolution to near-useless levels?


If you right-click on the images and select "View image" they appear at the correct proportions

icehellion posted this 11 June 2017


If you right-click on the images and select "View image" they appear at the correct proportions


Thanks. It is more compact?
