Metal Storm Assault DropShip

  • Last Post 31 May 2024
Captain posted this 26 May 2024

Trying out the designer function of the 'Mech Factory app to recreate a design I made shortly before the demise of the old site.

Metal Storm
3075 IS Spheroid DropShip


Source: My Own Custom Type/Model: Metal Storm
Tech: Inner Sphere / 3075 Vessel type: Spheroid DropShip Rules: Level 3, Advanced design

Mass: 10000 tons Safe Thrust: 5 Maximum Thrust: 8 Armor Type: 32.5t Standard Armament: 24 Medium Pulse Laser 4 MRM 40 20 Anti-Missile System 8 ER Large Laser 92 Gauss Rifle 2 LB 20-X AC

Type/Model: Metal Storm
Mass: 10000 tons

Equipment: Mass Engine: 0 Fusion Engine 3250.00 Power Plant, Drive & Control: 3250.00 Structural Integrity:9 180.00 Safe Thrust: 5 Maximum Thrust: 8 Heat Sinks: 364 Single 216.00 Life Boats:7 49.00 Armor (Standard): 520 pts Standard 32.50

                            Standard Armor

Front: 181 Left/Right Side: 139/139 Rear: 97

Bridge, Controls, Radar, Computer & Attitude Thrusters 75.00 Fire Control Computers 966.00 Food & Water(180.0 days supply) 133.25 Spare Parts(1.0 percent) 100.00 Fuel & Fuel Pumps(15000.0 Points) 510.00 Cargo Bays: Bay 1:Fighter Bay with 2 doors 900.00 Bay 2:Cargo Bay (Standard) with 2 doors 1802.00 Crew: 1 Crew (2 minimum) 7.00 22 Gunners (16 minimum) 154.00 5 Officers (4 minimum) 50.00 12 Bay Personnel 0.00

Weapons and Equipment Loc SRV MRV LRV ERV Heat Mass

46 Gauss Rifle Nose 69(690)69(690)69(690)0(0) 46 692.00 46 Gauss Rifle Nose 69(690)69(690)69(690)0(0) 46 692.00 2 ER Large Laser FL/R 2(16) 2(16) 2(16) 0(0) 48 20.00 4 Medium Pulse Laser FL/R 2(24) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 32 16.00 1 MRM 40 FL/R 2(24) 2(24) 0(0) 0(0) 24 28.00 1 LB 20-X AC FL/R 1(12) 1(12) 0(0) 0(0) 12 32.00 4 Anti-Missile System FL/R 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 8 6.00 4 Medium Pulse Laser AL/R 2(24) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 32 16.00 2 ER Large Laser AL/R 2(16) 2(16) 2(16) 0(0) 48 20.00 1 MRM 40 AL/R 2(24) 2(24) 0(0) 0(0) 24 28.00 4 Anti-Missile System AL/R 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 8 6.00 8 Medium Pulse Laser Aft 5(48) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 32 16.00

4 Anti-Missile System Aft 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 4 3.00

Totals 364 1575.00

Calculated Factors Total Cost: 1,176,812,000 C-Bill Battle Value (BV2): 45493

EDIT: I don't know why the formatting shattered, as it's formatted correctly in the post box.

Order By: Standard | Newest | Votes
Thunder posted this 26 May 2024

 Extra shattered, and the link doesn't seem to work.

I'm fairly sure I have a Small craft with more armor then this does.  Definitly have a fighter with more armor.  Firepower is in that weird mix of it will devastate anything with classic levels of armor, and tickle anything custom made that carries real armor.

And there is always the question of, what 6 fighters are you bringing with you.

icehellion posted this 26 May 2024

I don't know why the formatting shattered, as it's formatted correctly in the post box.


Did you try via html?

Captain posted this 28 May 2024

I don't know why the formatting shattered, as it's formatted correctly in the post box.


Did you try via html?

I don't seem to have a way to do that...

Captain posted this 28 May 2024

 Firepower is in that weird mix

The firepower is centered on the absolutely ludicrous 138 capital damage the 92 Gauss Rifles can dish out. As for the armor, that's what the designer spat out when I hit the "Maximize" button.

icehellion posted this 28 May 2024

I don't know why the formatting shattered, as it's formatted correctly in the post box.


Did you try via html?

I don't seem to have a way to do that...

You can, you just need to put your formated text into Word/Writer/..., save it as html, open the html with a simple text editor and copy and paste it.

Fabrizo posted this 28 May 2024

You need to increase the structural integrity if you want more armor.

As a point of comparison from official designs, Star League era transports, the 1,900 ton Leopard has an SI of 7, and the 3,600 ton Union has an SI of 11. If you want to look at later designs, the 2,500 ton Merlin, a WoB/FWL assault dropship has an SI of 20 and carries 50 tons of armor.

As for the formatting, what has worked for me is copy/pasting from the designers text file, and then using the little drop down above changing it from "paragraph" to "preformatted".

Gives a result like this for example:

Class/Model/Name:  Leopard (Obsolete Version) 
Mass:              1,900 tons

Equipment:                                                            Mass  
Power Plant, Drive & Control:                                          494.00
Thrust:  Safe Thrust: 4
      Maximum Thrust: 6
Structural Integrity: 7                                                 66.50
Total Heat Sinks:    80 Single                                          56.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps:                                                     140.00
Bridge, Controls, Radar, Computer & Attitude Thrusters:                 15.00
Fire Control Computers:                                                   .00
Food & Water:  (33 days supply)                                          3.50
Armor Type:  Standard  (500 total armor pts)                            29.50
                           Standard Scale Armor Pts
   Location:                            L / R
   Fore:                                140
   Left/Right Wings:                 130/130
   Aft:                                 100

Captain posted this 29 May 2024

*Checks* That explains it. I was posting from my phone, where the site defaults to mobile mode and the entire formatting bar doesn't appear. Just the text input box. I'll be posting a modified and (hopefully) properly formatted version of the design later.

Captain posted this 29 May 2024

Version 2. I hope this works and is a decent design. 
 Metal Storm  
 3075 IS Spheroid DropShip 
Source: My Own Custom
Type/Model: Metal Storm  
Tech: Inner Sphere / 3075
Vessel type: Spheroid DropShip
Rules: Level 3, Advanced design
Mass: 10000 tons
Safe Thrust: 5
Maximum Thrust: 8
Armor Type: 72.0t Standard
 24 Medium Pulse Laser
 4 MRM 40
 20 Anti-Missile System
 8 ER Large Laser
 92 Gauss Rifle
 2 LB 20-X AC
Type/Model:  Metal Storm  
Mass: 10000 tons 
Equipment:                                                  Mass 
Engine:          0 Fusion Engine                               3250.00
Power Plant, Drive & Control:                                  3250.00
Structural Integrity:20                                         400.00
   Safe Thrust:      5
   Maximum Thrust:   8
Heat Sinks:    364 Single                                       216.00
Life Boats:10                                                    70.00
Armor (Standard): 1232 pts Standard                              72.00
                                Standard Armor
   Front:                              401
   Left/Right Side:                308/308
   Rear:                               215
Bridge, Controls, Radar, Computer & Attitude Thrusters           75.00
Fire Control Computers                                          966.00
Spare Parts(1.0 percent)                                        100.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps(15000.0 Points)                               510.00
Cargo Bays:
 Bay 1:Small Craft Bay with 2 doors                             800.00
 Bay 2:Fighter Bay with 3 doors                                 900.00
 Bay 3:Cargo Bay (Standard) with 3 doors                        660.00
 1 Crew (2 minimum)                                               7.00
 22 Gunners (16 minimum)                                        154.00
 5 Officers (4 minimum)                                          50.00
 32 Bay Personnel                                                 0.00
Weapons and Equipment     Loc    SRV   MRV   LRV   ERV   Heat  Ammo  Mass 
46 Gauss Rifle            Nose   69(690)69(690)69(690)0(0)  46    736    782.00
46 Gauss Rifle            Nose   69(690)69(690)69(690)0(0)  46    736    782.00
2  ER Large Laser         FL/R   2(16) 2(16) 2(16) 0(0)  48            20.00
4  Medium Pulse Laser     FL/R   2(24) 0(0)  0(0)  0(0)  32            16.00
1  MRM 40                 FL/R   2(24) 2(24) 0(0)  0(0)  24    12      28.00
1  LB 20-X AC             FL/R   1(12) 1(12) 0(0)  0(0)  12    10      32.00
4  Anti-Missile System    FL/R   0(0)  0(0)  0(0)  0(0)  8     48      12.00
4  Medium Pulse Laser     AL/R   2(24) 0(0)  0(0)  0(0)  32            16.00
2  ER Large Laser         AL/R   2(16) 2(16) 2(16) 0(0)  48            20.00
1  MRM 40                 AL/R   2(24) 2(24) 0(0)  0(0)  24    12      28.00
4  Anti-Missile System    AL/R   0(0)  0(0)  0(0)  0(0)  8     48      12.00
8  Medium Pulse Laser     Aft    5(48) 0(0)  0(0)  0(0)  32            16.00
4  Anti-Missile System    Aft    0(0)  0(0)  0(0)  0(0)  4     48       6.00
Totals                                                   364         1770.00   
Calculated Factors 
Total Cost:        1,224,244,000 C-Bill
Battle Value (BV2):57324  

Fabrizo posted this 29 May 2024

I think you forgot the Gauss ammo.

I'm seeing 32 TOTAL rounds of ammo for 92 Gauss'

That's how the math works out too.

46 Gauss Rifle Nose 69(690)69(690)69(690)0(0) 46 692.00

The bolded number is the weight of the weapons and ammo per weapon installation.

46 Gauss x 15 tons each = 690 tons

+ 2 tons total ammo (16 rounds) for those 46 individual weapons.

The 1 ton of ammo shared between 4 AMS' is going to get burned super fast as well.

Captain posted this 30 May 2024

I think you forgot the ... ammo.


*Grumbles* Should be fixed, now.

Thunder posted this 31 May 2024

Put that way, yeah, it does dish out a good chunk of damage.  And most of the things I have in my inventory would not care to be hit by that much dakka.  So congratulations you've made a priority target.
