Selling Off BT Books

  • Last Post 29 January 2019
Doc OG posted this 22 January 2019

So I'm not really into BattleTech anymore, so I've started selling off my books.  I'll provide links when I can for anyone who might be interested.


BattleTech Master Rules -


BattleTech Strategic Operations -

FASA BattleTech Field Manual Mercenaries 1st Ed -

Order By: Standard | Newest | Votes
icehellion posted this 22 January 2019

I think the post costs would be too much for me.

Doc OG posted this 24 January 2019

Where do you live again?  I typically ship USPS Priority Flat Rate, which can be pricey but if you buy in bulk it isn't too bad.  

Captain posted this 24 January 2019

If I remember rightly, France.

icehellion posted this 29 January 2019

If I remember rightly, France.


Yep. I am the local Froggy.
