Anyone still here?

  • Last Post 16 May 2024
Samak posted this 12 May 2024

Hi all, I was wondering 2 things, is anyone still here, and is there a way to access our old armouries?  I've tried the way back machine and I can get to the homepage but none of the links work.  I have lost my old designs to time and would like to show my kids (now 13 and 14) what I had created as they love battletech and painting miniatures is a family hobby.

Thank you for any help

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Prince posted this 12 May 2024

We still pop in.

We cannot access any of the old armories I believe.

Samak posted this 12 May 2024

damn ok thanks

icehellion posted this 14 May 2024

I am still there.


And unless you saved them, your designs are lost.

Fabrizo posted this 15 May 2024

I'm not here frequently, but i do stop by from time to time.

I have a thread that links to a google doc that lists designs I have from S7 members.

I have 4 listed as (I believe at least) being yours.

Thunder posted this 16 May 2024

 I'm here.

I'm also on

Their database is backed up... I asked.

And I need people who actually write fluff to start linking stuff on the forums when they post...  So many boring collection of numbers being posted.  I mean I know my fluff is flat, but at least its there pretending to be exciting...

icehellion posted this 16 May 2024

So many boring collection of numbers being posted.  I mean I know my fluff is flat, but at least its there pretending to be exciting...


Fluff is king.
