Linebacker III

  • Last Post 04 July 2017
Snowjeepney posted this 03 July 2017



Author's notes:  Posting is a pain in the @$$.   Sometimes, I had no issues; other times, not so much.  Tried attaching the SSW file, but it did not work (apparently, it is not allowed).

Anyways, back to the topic; what if the Linebacker was remade as a medium 'mech?  Let me know what you think.


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Snowjeepney posted this 03 July 2017

Equipment           Type                         Rating                   Mass 
Internal Structure: Endo-Steel                    83 points                2.50
    Internal Locations: 1 LT, 1 RT, 2 LA, 1 RA, 1 LL, 1 RL
Engine:             XL Fusion Engine             300                       9.50
    Walking MP: 6
    Running MP: 9
    Jumping MP: 0
Heat Sinks:         Double Heat Sink             12(24)                    2.00
Gyro:               Standard                                               3.00
Cockpit:            Standard                                               3.00
    Actuators:      L: SH+UA    R: SH+UA
Armor:              Ferro-Fibrous                AV - 163                  8.50
    Armor Locations: 1 LT, 1 RT, 1 LA, 2 RA, 1 LL, 1 RL

                                                      Internal       Armor     
                                                      Structure      Factor    
                                                Head     3            9        
                                        Center Torso     16           20       
                                 Center Torso (rear)                  12       
                                           L/R Torso     12           15       
                                    L/R Torso (rear)                  9        
                                             L/R Arm     8            16       
                                             L/R Leg     12           21       


Loadout Name: Prime                                          Cost: 12,583,125
Tech Rating/Era Availability: F/X-X-E-A                       BV2: 2,454

Equipment           Type                         Rating                   Mass 
Heat Sinks:         Double Heat Sink             16(32)                    4.00
    Heat Sink Locations: 2 LT, 2 RT
    CASE Locations: RT                                                     0.00
    Actuators:      L: SH+UA    R: SH+UA

Equipment                                 Location    Heat    Critical    Mass 
ER PPC                                       RA        15        2         6.00
ER PPC                                       LA        15        2         6.00
SRM-6                                        RT        4         1         1.50
2 ER Medium Lasers                           LT        10        2         2.00
ER Medium Laser                              CT        5         1         1.00
@SRM-6 (15)                                  RT        -         1         1.00
                                            Free Critical Slots: 16

BattleForce Statistics
MV      S (+0)  M (+2)  L (+4)  E (+6)   Wt.   Ov   Armor:      5    Points: 25
6          5       5       3       0      2     1   Structure:  3
Special Abilities: OMNI, CASE, SRCH, ES, SEAL, SOA

Loadout Name: A                                              Cost: 12,541,875
Tech Rating/Era Availability: F/X-X-E-A                       BV2: 2,177

Equipment           Type                         Rating                   Mass 
Heat Sinks:         Double Heat Sink             14(28)                    2.00
    Heat Sink Locations: 1 LT, 1 RT
    CASE Locations: LT, RT                                                 0.00
    Actuators:      L: SH+UA+LA    R: SH+UA+LA

Equipment                                 Location    Heat    Critical    Mass 
ER Large Laser                               RA        12        1         4.00
ER Large Laser                               LA        12        1         4.00
SRM-4                                        RT        3         1         1.00
2 ER Medium Lasers                           RT        10        2         2.00
LRM-15                                       LT        5         2         3.50
Medium Pulse Laser                           CT        4         1         2.00
@SRM-4 (25)                                  RT        -         1         1.00
@LRM-15 (16)                                 LT        -         2         2.00
                                            Free Critical Slots: 16

BattleForce Statistics
MV      S (+0)  M (+2)  L (+4)  E (+6)   Wt.   Ov   Armor:      5    Points: 22
6          4       4       2       0      2     2   Structure:  3
Special Abilities: OMNI, CASE, SRCH, ES, SEAL, SOA, IF 1

Loadout Name: B                                              Cost: 12,693,750
Tech Rating/Era Availability: F/X-X-E-A                       BV2: 2,301

Equipment           Type                         Rating                   Mass 
    Jumping MP: 5  (Standard)
    Jump Jet Locations: 1 CT, 2 LT, 2 RT                                   2.50
    CASE Locations: RT                                                     0.00
    Actuators:      L: SH+UA+LA+H    R: SH+UA+LA+H

Equipment                                 Location    Heat    Critical    Mass 
ER Medium Laser                              RA        5         1         1.00
ER Medium Laser                              LA        5         1         1.00
Gauss Rifle                                  RT        1         6        12.00
ECM Suite                                    LT        0         1         1.00
ER Medium Laser                              CT        5         1         1.00
@Gauss Rifle (16)                            LT        -         2         2.00
@Gauss Rifle (8)                             HD        -         1         1.00
                                            Free Critical Slots: 11

BattleForce Statistics
MV      S (+0)  M (+2)  L (+4)  E (+6)   Wt.   Ov   Armor:      5    Points: 23
6/3j       4       4       2       0      2     0   Structure:  3
Special Abilities: OMNI, ECM, CASE, SRCH, ES, SEAL, SOA

Loadout Name: C                                              Cost: 12,615,938
Tech Rating/Era Availability: F/X-X-E-A                       BV2: 2,188

Equipment           Type                         Rating                   Mass 
Heat Sinks:         Double Heat Sink             13(26)                    1.00
    Heat Sink Locations: 1 LT
    CASE Locations: LT, RT                                                 0.00
    Actuators:      L: SH+UA+LA+H    R: SH+UA+LA+H

Equipment                                 Location    Heat    Critical    Mass 
2 ER Medium Lasers                           RA        10        2         2.00
2 ER Medium Lasers                           LA        10        2         2.00
ER Medium Laser                              LT        5         1         1.00
Ultra AC/20                                  CT/RT     7         2/6      12.00
Micro Pulse Laser                            HD        1         1         0.50
@Ultra AC/20 (10)                            RT        -         2         2.00
@Ultra AC/20 (5)                             LT        -         1         1.00
                                            Free Critical Slots: 10

BattleForce Statistics
MV      S (+0)  M (+2)  L (+4)  E (+6)   Wt.   Ov   Armor:      5    Points: 22
6          5       5       0       0      2     2   Structure:  3
Special Abilities: OMNI, CASE, SRCH, ES, SEAL, SOA

Loadout Name: D                                              Cost: 12,437,344
Tech Rating/Era Availability: F/X-X-E-A                       BV2: 1,952

Equipment           Type                         Rating                   Mass 
    CASE Locations: LA, RA                                                 0.00
    Actuators:      L: SH+UA+LA    R: SH+UA+LA

Equipment                                 Location    Heat    Critical    Mass 
2 Streak SRM-6s                              RA        8         4         6.00
2 Streak SRM-6s                              LA        8         4         6.00
Medium Pulse Laser                           RT        4         1         2.00
Medium Pulse Laser                           LT        4         1         2.00
Active Probe                                 CT        0         1         1.00
ER Small Laser                               HD        2         1         0.50
@Streak SRM-6 (30)                           RA        -         2         2.00
@Streak SRM-6 (30)                           LA        -         2         2.00
                                            Free Critical Slots: 15

BattleForce Statistics
MV      S (+0)  M (+2)  L (+4)  E (+6)   Wt.   Ov   Armor:      5    Points: 20
6          7       7       0       0      2     0   Structure:  3
Special Abilities: OMNI, PRB, RCN, CASE, SRCH, ES, SEAL, SOA

Loadout Name: E                                              Cost: 13,410,000
Tech Rating/Era Availability: F/X-X-E-A                       BV2: 2,086

Equipment           Type                         Rating                   Mass 
    Jumping MP: 6  (Standard)
    Jump Jet Locations: 3 LT, 3 RT                                         3.00
    CASE Locations: RT, LA, RA                                             0.00
    Actuators:      L: SH+UA+LA    R: SH+UA+LA

Equipment                                 Location    Heat    Critical    Mass 
2 SRM-6s                                     RA        8         2         3.00
2 SRM-6s                                     LA        8         2         3.00
Active Probe                                 LT        0         1         1.00
ER PPC                                       CT        15        2         6.00
Anti-Missile System                          HD        1         1         0.50
@SRM-6 (30)                                  RA        -         2         2.00
@SRM-6 (30)                                  LA        -         2         2.00
@Anti-Missile System (24)                    RT        -         1         1.00
                                            Free Critical Slots: 12

BattleForce Statistics
MV      S (+0)  M (+2)  L (+4)  E (+6)   Wt.   Ov   Armor:      5    Points: 21
6j         4       4       2       0      2     0   Structure:  3
Special Abilities: OMNI, PRB, RCN, AMS, CASE, SRCH, ES, SEAL, SOA, SRM 2/2/0

Loadout Name: F                                              Cost: 12,190,313
Tech Rating/Era Availability: F/X-X-E-A                       BV2: 2,018

Equipment           Type                         Rating                   Mass 
Heat Sinks:         Double Heat Sink             14(28)                    2.00
    Heat Sink Locations: 1 LT, 1 RT
    CASE Locations: LT, RT                                                 0.00
    Actuators:      L: SH+UA+LA    R: SH+UA

Equipment                                 Location    Heat    Critical    Mass 
ER Large Laser                               RA        12        1         4.00
ER Large Laser                               LA        12        1         4.00
ATM-3                                        RT        2         2         1.50
Medium Pulse Laser                           RT        4         1         2.00
ATM-3                                        LT        2         2         1.50
Medium Pulse Laser                           LT        4         1         2.00
ATM-3                                        CT        2         2         1.50
@ATM-3 (HE) (20)                             RT        -         1         1.00
@ATM-3 (20)                                  LT        -         1         1.00
@ATM-3 (ER) (20)                             LT        -         1         1.00
                                            Free Critical Slots: 15

BattleForce Statistics
MV      S (+0)  M (+2)  L (+4)  E (+6)   Wt.   Ov   Armor:      5    Points: 20
6          5       4       3       0      2     1   Structure:  3
Special Abilities: OMNI, CASE, SRCH, ES, SEAL, SOA

Loadout Name: H                                              Cost: 19,318,125
Tech Rating/Era Availability: F/X-X-F-A                       BV2: 2,411
Rules Level: Experimental Tech

Equipment           Type                         Rating                   Mass 
Heat Sinks:         Double Heat Sink             18(36)                    6.00
    Heat Sink Locations: 2 LT, 2 RT, 1 LA, 1 RA
    Actuators:      L: SH+UA+LA    R: SH+UA+LA

Equipment                                 Location    Heat    Critical    Mass 
Heavy Large Laser                            RA        18        3         4.00
Heavy Large Laser                            LA        18        3         4.00
Heavy Medium Laser                           RT        7         2         1.00
Watchdog CEWS                                RT        0         2         1.50
Heavy Medium Laser                           LT        7         2         1.00
Laser Anti-Missile System                    LT        5         1         1.00
Supercharger                                 LT        -         1         1.00
Targeting Computer                           CT        -         2         2.00
                                            Free Critical Slots: 3

BattleForce Statistics
MV      S (+0)  M (+2)  L (+4)  E (+6)   Wt.   Ov   Armor:      5    Points: 24
8          5       5       0       0      2     1   Structure:  3
Special Abilities: OMNI, WAT, AMS, ENE, SRCH, ES, SEAL, SOA

Loadout Name: I                                              Cost: 15,742,500
Tech Rating/Era Availability: F/X-X-E-A                       BV2: 2,838

Equipment           Type                         Rating                   Mass 
    Jumping MP: 9  (Improved)
    Jump Jet Locations: 1 CT, 4 LT, 4 RT                                   9.00
    Actuators:      L: SH+UA+LA+H    R: SH+UA

Equipment                                 Location    Heat    Critical    Mass 
ER PPC                                       RA        15        2         6.00
Targeting Computer                           RA        -         2         2.00
4 ER Medium Lasers                           LA        20        4         4.00
Flamer                                       HD        3         1         0.50
                                            Free Critical Slots: 4

BattleForce Statistics
MV      S (+0)  M (+2)  L (+4)  E (+6)   Wt.   Ov   Armor:      5    Points: 28
6/9j       4       3       2       0      2     2   Structure:  3
Special Abilities: OMNI, ENE, SRCH, ES, SEAL, SOA


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  • Lasergunner
Snowjeepney posted this 03 July 2017

Linebacker III
 Mass: 50 tons
 Tech Base: Clan
 Chassis Config: Biped Omnimech
 Rules Level: Tournament Legal
 Era: Clan Invasion
 Production Year: 3062
 Cost: 10,719,375 C-Bills
 Battle Value: 759
 Chassis: Type W4M Endo-Steel
 Power Plant: Starfire 300 Fusion XL Engine
 Walking Speed: 64.8 km/h
 Maximum Speed: 97.2 km/h
 Jump Jets: None
     Jump Capacity: 0 meters
 Armor: Royal-7a Ferro-Fibrous
     21.5 tons of pod space.
 Manufacturer: WC Site 1
     Primary Factory: Arc-Royal
 Communications System: HWLR Designation ComSys
 Targeting and Tracking System: Hunter (7) Dedicated TTS
 When it was first created in 3052, the Linebacker was intended to eventually replace the Timber Wolf in the touman of Clan Wolf when it was found that the
 venerable design could not keep pace with its Starmates in running battles.  However, the Refusal War ended such plans, even though the primary production
 facility of the 65-ton 'mech was unaffected; the Crusader Wolves only kept the design in production due to their need of equipment, with Khan Vladimir Ward
 already looking at alternatives, and eventually phasing it out.
 On the other hand, the Linebacker did find a home within Clan Wolf-in-Exile,but not as a 65-ton heavy; instead, it was remade as a 50-ton medium Omnimech
 known as the Linebacker III, with the first of these Omnimechs making their debut in late 3062, as part of  Clan Wolf-in-Exile's "Project Chihuahua"
 rebuilding project.
 Visually, The Linebacker III almost looks like a mini-version of it 65-ton predecessor; however, Clan Wolf-in-Exile scientists utilized molds from the
 Nova and Stormcrow as well, slightly altering the arms and legs of the Omnimech.  But for the most part, the Linebacker III's configurations are
 heavily influenced by its 65-ton progenitor.
 Making use of every weight-saving technologies available, the Linebacker III was built with an Endo-Steel internal structure and protected by 8.5 tons of
 Ferro-Fibrous Armor, while a Starfire 300XL fusion engine allows the 'mech to reach speeds up to 97 km/hr, while accomodating up to 12 double heat sinks. 
 Overall, this left the Linebacker III with respectable 21.5 tons of pod space to work with.
 In its Prime configuration, the Linebacker III features an ER PPC on each arm for long-range, direct-fire combat; backing up these weapons are a trio of ER
 Medium Lasers and an SRM-6 launcher.  A total of 16 double heat sinks help keep waste heat under control.
 Configuration A of the Linebacker III features a pair of ER Large Lasers and an LRM-15 for long-range combat.  For close-range combat, this configuration
 features a pair of ER Medium Lasers, a Medium Pulse Laser, and an SRM-4 launcher.  Two more double heat sinks help mitigate heat issues.
 Configuration B  was meant for sniping, with a powerful Gauss Rifle as its primary weapon, backed up by three ER Medium Lasers.  An ECM Suite protects
 against enemy electronics, while five Jump Jets would allow the 'mech to reach ideal sniping spots.
 Configuration C of the Linebacker III features a mix of ballistic and laser weapons, albeit meant for close-quarters combat;  a  mammoth Ultra AC/20 on the
 right shoulder is its main gun, supported by five ER Medium Lasers, and a Micro Pulse Laser.  An additional double heat sink helps handle the waste heat
 produced by this configuration.
 An alternate close-range combat variant, Configuration D features four accurate Streak-SRM6 launchers providing an overwhelming close range missile barrage,
 backed up by a pair of Medium Pulse Lasers and an ER Small Laser, making this configuration a ferocious short-range brawler, albeit limited by its four tons
 of Streak Ammo.  Additionally, the 'mech carries an Active Probe to allow it to detect hidden enemy units.
 Configuration E of the Linebacker III has four SRM-6 launchers for close-range combat, while an ER PPC on the center torso provides long range firepower, as
 well as a powerful backup once the SRM ammo is used up.  An Active Probe allows the 'mech to detect hidden enemies, while an Anti-Missile System helps protect
 against indirect fire.
 Configuration F features a trio of ATM-3 launchers, which are capable of firing ammunition for long, medium, and short ranges.  These are backed up by a pair
 of ER Large Lasers for long-range combat and a pair of Medium Pulse Lasers for close-range combat.  Two more double heat sinks help keep waste heat under
 A testbed configuration for both Heavy Laser technology and other experimental technologies, Configuration H features a Heavy Large Laser on each arm and a
 Heavy Medium Laser on each side torso, all tied to a targeting computer.  Eighteen double heat sinks are barely able keep the high heat load in check. 
 This configuration also has a Watchdog CEWS and a Laser Anti-Missile System for added protection, while a Supercharger allows for an increase of speed up to
 130 km/h in short bursts.
 Fitted with nine Improved Jump Jets, Configuration I could vault up to 210 meters in one jump.  In terms of weaponry, an ER PPC on th right arm is its
 main long-range weapon, supported by four ER Medium Lasers on the right arm for close-range combat, and a head-mounted flamer for soft targets.  A targeting
 computer makes each shot more accurate, except for the flamer.   However, no additional heat sinks are mounted, and the 'Mech may overheat if too many
 weapons are fired at once.

  Battle History:
 During the Jade Falcon Incursion in the FedCom Civil War, the 1st Wolf Legion and the Clan Wolf-in-Exile's Golden Keshik deployed several Linebacker III
 Omnimechs for the first time against the 7th Talon on Blue Hole; the 7th Talon were overwhelmed by the Exiled Wolves, and were forced off-world.
 In 3066, during the pan-Lyran invasion of Tharkad led by Peter Steiner-Davion, the Golden Keshik faced of against the Loyalist 2nd Royal Guards.  After luring
 the 2nd Royal Guards into Stahlwurzel Forest, Khan Phelan Kell and his forces spent a week brutally mauling the Loyalists.  During that time, several
 Linebacker III Omnimechs  were deployed effectively against the 2nd Royal Guards.
 The Linebacker III is primarily fielded by Clan Wolf-in-Exile, either to complement or replace any of its 65-ton Linebackers that was lost in battle.  Within the Clan
 Wolf-in-Exile touman, the 1st Wolf Legion has the highest number of Linebacker III Omnimechs in their ranks, with their cluster having developed a fondness for them.

 Linebacker II - weighing at 60-tons, this version of the Linebacker was the initially planned successor of its 65-ton bretheren, as the 5-ton drop in
 weight meant that changes would be minimal.  Unfortunately, a host of unforeseen problems plagued the prototypes, such as stress issues, balancing
 problems, actuator failures, and myomers breaking down in unexpected places.  After six agonizing months, Clan Wolf-in-Exile's  Linebacker II project was
 scrapped, in favor of recreating the  Linebacker as a 50-ton 'mech.

icehellion posted this 03 July 2017

Project Chihuahua?

Lasergunner posted this 04 July 2017

I think it is very well thought out. Early on in the Clan fictions, the point was made that the Clans strongly believed in not wasting resources. That combined with the intense competition between the Clans, it makes perfect sense that no clan can afford to stand still when it comes to the omnimechs that bullwark their front line forces.
