BattleMech Technical Readout Name/Model: Blockbuster BB-001 Designer: lucho Source(s): Custom Mordel.Net Units Technology: Inner Sphere Technology Rating: E Tonnage: 95 Configuration: Tripod BattleMech Era/Year: Dark Age / 3146 Rules (Current): Advanced Rules (Era): Advanced Rules (Year): Advanced Total Cost: 13,472,843 C-Bills Battle Value: 2,285 Structure: Endo Steel Power Plant: 285 Fusion Walking Speed: 32.4 kph Maximum Speed: 54 kph Jump Jets: None Jump Capacity: None Armor: Light Ferro-Fibrous Armament: 2 Small X-Pulse Lasers 1 Long Tom Artillery Cannon 2 ER Medium Lasers 2 PPCs Manufacturer: Unknown Primary Factory: Unknown Communications: Unknown Targeting & Tracking: Unknown ================================================================================================ Overview: Designed to support urban assaults, the Blockbuster is aptly named. It's sole purpose is that of citybuster.Capable of clearing a path through the densest of terrain and blowing holes in the strongest of defenses,the BB-001 is a boon to field commanders that face stubborn opposition. Capabilities: Based upon an advanced chassis and employing a unique tripod configuration, the Blockbuster is meant for slow and steady advances. While not fast, the assault class mech boasts excellent mobility in even the most difficult terrain. Heavy armor further enhances the mech's staying power. Offensively, the Blockbuster's focus hinges upon a massive Long Tom Cannon for saturation bombardments of enemy positions. Should the support unit find itself in direct combat, paired PPCs and ER Medium Lasers, mounted in Marauder-type pods, provide a measure of self-defense. Twin X-pulse Light Lasers supplement the firepower in close quarters. Finally, in pursuit of its role as urbanspecialist, the engineers did not cut corners on the sensor suite. A Bloodhound active probe provides valuable 'eyes on the ground' for unit commanders hopingto avoid unwelcome surprises. ================================================================================================ Equipment Mass ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Internal Structure: Endo Steel 5.50 Engine: 285 Fusion 16.50 Walking MP: 3 Running MP: 5 Jumping MP: 0 Heat Sinks (Double): 11 [22] 1.00 Gyro: Compact 4.50 Cockpit: Tripod 4.00 Armor Factor: 322 19.00 Type: Light Ferro-Fibrous Internal Armor Structure Value Head: 3 9 Center Torso: 30 43 Center Torso (rear): 10 R/L Torso: 20 30 R/L Torso (rear): 10 R/L Arm: 16 30 R/C/L Leg: 20 40 ================================================================================================ Weapons and Ammo Location Critical Tonnage ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bloodhound Active Probe RT 3 2.00 CASE RT 1 0.50 Long Tom Artillery Cannon (Ammo 20) RT 4 4.00 Small X-Pulse Laser RT 1 1.00 Long Tom Artillery Cannon LT/CT 15 20.00 Small X-Pulse Laser LT 1 1.00 ER Medium Laser RA 1 1.00 PPC RA 3 7.00 ER Medium Laser LA 1 1.00 PPC LA 3 7.00
Painting the town red: Blockbuster BB-001
- Last Post 12 July 2018
posted this
12 October 2017
posted this
12 July 2018
Needs some fluff for how bulky he must be, and might ponder some house rules to actually implement that third-leg.
I like the idea, but am surprised you didn't link him into a C3 or C3i unit for his forward observers.
posted this
12 July 2018
Good news. You don't need house rules for tripods. Rules can be found in interstellar operations. (And a few other places)