Text from the old site?

  • Last Post 18 July 2017
ScrapIron Prime posted this 06 July 2017

I too have lost a hard drive to the ravages of time, and I don't have a copy of the fiction I did to go with two armory entries on the original Solaris7.com,  If anyone has an archive copy, could they paste in the text for these two mechs?

Black Stallion BKS-01 (L1 IS 80T Custom)

Miracle Thirty-Four M34 (L1 IS 60T Custom)

The second one had an accompanying picture (Miracle Thirty-Four), bonus points for finding it too.


Mucho thanks!

 - ScrapIron Prime
 - enlisted with Headhunters of Davion

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ScrapIron Prime posted this 18 July 2017

Yeah, I crawled the WayBack machine there looking for the pages.  I got the green and grey text I pasted in for the mech entries from the archived index page, but the actual armory pages were not snap-shotted by web.archive.org that I could find.

Just one of those things I should have saved onto Dropbox but didn't, for some reason.  Lesson learned.

Firestar posted this 18 July 2017



Firestar posted this 18 July 2017


How long ago did you put that on the Solaris7.com website?

might have a way for you to find what you are looking for.


James Firestar
