Use of ProtoMechs

  • Last Post 14 June 2018
icehellion posted this 30 May 2018

 How would you use them in an efficient manner?

As a direct support for armour and infantry units?

As stand alone units?


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Thunder posted this 01 June 2018

Protomech only force, Ambushers or raiders.  They have issues in a stand up fight,  but can be murder in a knife fight in built up terrain.

Battlemech unit, Flank protection, and electronics augmentation. (Add ECM, Active probe, or Narc support on the cheap.)

Combined arms,  They're just another unit with above average mobility in buildings, and a low profile letting them hide behind level 1 hills.

Bidding practices,  1 Point of high tonnage protomechs can usually mop the floor vs 1 point of any other unit.

Custom designs, There is rarely a reason to use lighter weight protomechs.  Capability ramps up faster then cost as the tonnage increases.  Higher tonnage designs can also be faster and better armored for a given weapons payload.

Why do you ask?

icehellion posted this 01 June 2018

Because I wanted to try something new

Prince posted this 05 June 2018

Protomechs are god-tier city units, as they 1. Don't skid and 2. Can hide in any level 1 structure. The 3-ton Siren has become a copypasta on the /btg/ posts on chan boards, simply because for the BV nothing compares to a point of Sirens in a city fight.

Later Wars of Reaving proto's are also overpowered compared to other units of similar weight and tonnage. Quad proto's trade the dubious utility of proto magclamps for a constant +2 MP, turret and more space. The Sprite 2 displays why a proto carrying an ER Large Laser is a scary prospect. And as Thunder stated, custom proto's show some real potential with the chassis acting as supporters, carrying things like NARC and electronics that might be wasted placing on a single 'mech- which for the /BTG/TRO, was an idea for the proto I submitted.

If you want to get into them Ice, toss a point of Siren's with a Hellion fury point and send them after a vehicle. It will likely be immobilized and pillboxed in a turn.

icehellion posted this 05 June 2018

If you want to get into them Ice, toss a point of Siren's with a Hellion fury point and send them after a vehicle. It will likely be immobilized and pillboxed in a turn.

I will probably do it.

Prince posted this 13 June 2018

If you want to get into them Ice, toss a point of Siren's with a Hellion fury point and send them after a vehicle. It will likely be immobilized and pillboxed in a turn.

I will probably do it.

Heh, you learn to respect all those 1-point hits after one touches off an ammo bin from a stripped location.

Thunder posted this 14 June 2018

Well thats very pedestrian. Personally i prefer a star of vehicles destroyed per point of protomechs.

Custom unit of course. But 3 srm 4 or 5s on a 7/11 ish glider ultra heavy protomech. With infernos. Against vedette level targets.

There is also fun with erlarge lasers or LRMs available especially with ultra heavies.

7/11/7 and 10/15/10 are decent speeds that can be pulled off at 9 tons. Especially the ever popular ER medium carrier at 7/11/7

I may be rambling... Lacking in sleep atm.
